【Okinawa / 沖縄】HARAHELLS の “デリシャス倶楽部” が Apple Music (台湾) の “ロック トップアルバム”に新規ランクイン

「HARAHELLS の “デリシャス倶楽部” が Apple Music (台湾) の “ロック トップアルバム”に新規ランクイン」というニュースが届きました。

We’ve just received the news that HARAHELLS’ “Delicious Club” has been newly ranked as one of the “Top Rock Albums” on Apple Music (Taiwan). It is ranked 129th, but in this age of subscriptions, we can’t deny the possibility of some kind of initial micro-movement or butterfly effect. It makes me happy to think that HARAHELLS’ music is being noticed by Taiwanese music fans, even if only a little.



