【Okinawa / 沖縄】高良結香 with ディアマンテス / Yuka Takara with Diamantes ”We Are Okinawa!!!!”

高良結香とディアマンテスと制作した楽曲 ”We Are Okinawa!!!!” が、【第7回世界のウチナーンチュ大会】の大会延期を残念に思う方に向けて、沖縄からエールを送るという目的で作られたプロモーション動画に起用された。

The song “We Are Okinawa!!!!” created with Yuka Takara and Diamantes was used in a promotional video made for the purpose of sending encouragement from Okinawa to those who regret the postponement of the [7th World Uchinanchu Convention]. This song has been performed at Yuka Takara’s shows and “Countdown live in Okinawa”. It appeals to the identity of the Okinawan people and could become a new Okinawan anthem. Please check it out on YouTube.


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